pretty awesome
was amazing...
the graphics were absolutely awesome..
the characters were nice... just nice... but the environment... there are no words to describe it...
the music fits perfectly well
everything was great
pretty awesome
was amazing...
the graphics were absolutely awesome..
the characters were nice... just nice... but the environment... there are no words to describe it...
the music fits perfectly well
everything was great
nice effects...
I like the graphics...
was pretty funny...
& you really made a good job continuing the "my NewGrounds" series
was pretty nice
I like it a lot
the animation was pretty nice done
I like the gray style
was a nice story...
maybe the graphics weren't too awesome... but.. they were cool
/*review Request Club*/
I like the graphics a lot, they were awesome
I like the concept... & the story...
it was so... great...
and the cock joke was funny
great job
that was absolutely awesome...
the graphics were incredible
and the animation was perfect.. there are no words to describe how good you are at drawing...
was an excellent tutorial
nice sprites
was nice... but... I think it could be a lot better
was pretty short... I was kind of difficult to get it
but.. you use the sprites very well
I like when samus died... was awesome
was very nice animated... just continue practicing
/*Review Request Club*/
Well, thanks a lot for responding to my flash pal :) i appreciate it. Yea, when i look back on it, i realize it's entirely too short. It took a long time to make because of 1 of 2 things, possibly even both. It was my first flash ever, which meant i had to make all the animations using sprites sheets... I couldn't just use old sprites i had, and 2.I just kinda screwed around, and i had no plan when I first made it :P Now I'm working on a sequel, which should be much better when done. I look forward to future reviews!
well.. the graphics weren't bad... I mean.. they were pretty cool
but... it wasn't very nice animated... you need practice on that
and the flash was... kind of boring... I didn't find a real story on that
but.. you just need a little practice... just that
/*Review Request Club*/
the goat was so pretty nice designed... I mean... when it moves, was so nice...
the character was very expressive.. I like that a lot
everything was funny
I really liked the concept
/*Review Request Club*/
Expression is a key point to this flash.
And IMO should be in all flashes.
But since I didn't want the goat to talk (to make it more realistic) I had to resort to expressions.
funny & funny... the only way to describe it
I think this one was pretty awesome
I laugh so much... is one of the funniest mario's flashes I ever saw...
& you use the music very well
I love the last scene... and was a nice ending
was cool
Thanks so much! I haven't watched this since I submitted to newgrounds... Then I said a while ago "I'm gonna watch it!" then I couldn't stop laughing at my own jokes! I can't believe I am very good at this!
pretty cool
I like it a lot
good animation.. very funny.. you have a nice sense of humor
nice user of sprites
poor luigi...
was a pretty nice job
----------------- An unknown flash artist ----------------- ----------------- An unknown audio artist ---------------- ----------------- And a new NG member ----------------- --------------- BTW... Check my site... XD ---------------
Age 35, Male
not school... XD
en algĂșn lado
Joined on 7/8/07