----------------- An unknown flash artist ----------------- ----------------- An unknown audio artist ---------------- ----------------- And a new NG member ----------------- --------------- BTW... Check my site... XD ---------------

Alejandro @aldlv

Age 35, Male


not school... XD

en algún lado

Joined on 7/8/07

Exp Points:
14,150 / 14,390
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.75 votes
Sup. Commander
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:

aldlv's News

Posted by aldlv - October 28th, 2007

You can talk here about what ever you want...

Tell me whatever you want...
& write about whatever you want..

but don't be an idiot... I DON'T WANT SPAM...

Any recommendation to make it look better is accepted...
write it here or Pm me...

Posted by aldlv - October 28th, 2007

info about my movies...

NewGrounds Welcome 2008 A movie about the Ng getting to the year 2008... Tankmen celebrate it at his own way

Under Construction...!!!

Posted by aldlv - October 28th, 2007

info about my games...

Under Construction...!!!

Skills for a game:

aldlv's Games

Posted by aldlv - October 28th, 2007

here i'll put info about my music...

simplepiano One of my first tries at FLStudio... I wanted to make it simple... & I did

then I practice a little bit... & I create Not so Simple my 2nd audio on NG

Trance / Techno:

I created 'midnight party'
the original name of the song is "fiesta de medianoche"
My friends explain me how does FL Studio works...
they show me their songs... & they give me some advices...
so... thanx to Diamondz07, Cozo & soundfinder


Under Construction...!!!

Posted by aldlv - October 28th, 2007

About Whistle(1), B/P points(2), BBS(3) & Ng stuff(4)

_i) __About Whistle
_ii) __Links
_iii) __Info from Mods
4) the NG STUFF...



i) __About Whistle Section

Exist 2 ways to GET WHISTLE POINTS...

the first one: If the submission is Under Judgment in the Portal...
and you find if break any of the Rules, you can Flag it clicking on any of this

- This movie is stolen.
- This movie is malicious (e.g. auto-spawns pop-up windows).
- This movie is unsuitable (e.g. hardcore adult, porn slideshow, hateful, illegal).

The second one: If you find a review that is rule breaker
you can flash it
0 / 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? | Yes | No | Abusive

You can find this info here


ii) __Links Section

If you want to learn about Whistle in general... you can visit Cheekyvincent's page

If you want to learn about abusive review... & how to get to deity...
you can see DnaDraxxus's page...
(he has Deity.. so he knows what he is talking about...)

If you have any question... you can Pm Kidray76. One of the greatest Mods on NG

You can find some info about STOLEN FLASHES on Bstuk2's page
In my opinion is a nice guide...


iii) __Info from Mods Section

Here I'm going to post here some info from the mods... that you may consider helpful...
From: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/74 264/728 page728-730

BlueHippo wrote:

Okay you guys, lately you've been a little flag happy... I know you guys really want a deity whistle, and hey, I can understand, I'm a stat whore, too. But you guys need to take it easy.

Just because the score is a 0, doesn't mean it's abusive. It doesn't have to be a paragraph, like users used to do on Foamy movies in order to review 0, but often I'll see a review that's highly flagged just because it's a 0. So what, are people not allowed to review 0 on submissions?

A review of "This movie was really long and drawn out, and the sound quality was poor too" would probably be flagged by many of you. Okay, well, the movie sucked, and he wanted to express his thoughts. People are allowed to have negative thoughts on movies, shit happens.
Now, here's a good example of an abusive review I just deleted. "This movie sucks balls!!! AND YOU ARE THE ONE WHO LICKS THEM!!! God you are an anoying sunnava bitch!" See, that was pretty abusive. I know you guys can tell that is abusive, but you all need to be more careful when flagging 0s.

Let me state that this wall of text is simply put = "just because it's a 0 doesn't mean it's abusive"

Just because a review has some bad words in it, or the word 'blam' does not automatically make it an abusive review. Yes, yes, I know blam has become a dirty word on NG, but, it's just a part of what Newgrounds is.

If someone were to say "The animation was really poor and I found the audio to be highly annoying, why wasn't this blammed?" Naturally I know you want to flag this review, but you'll have to resist the urge. Sure the review might have been somewhat lacking in content AND used the word blam, but c'mon.
As I already stated, people are allowed to have negative opinions. See how that compares to "This movie blew, blamming this shit. Stop making flash". Yes, that was pretty blatantly abusive, but you get the gist of things, right? Good I thought so ;)

Remember, the whistle system is to help us keep abuse at bay, not for you all to grow your e-penis by increasing your whistle level.

I'm sure you've all head "quality over quantity" before, right? Same goes for flagging.

kidray76 wrote:

To go along with what BlueHippo has already stated. Take the time to read the review. Seems some of you have been flagging shit carelessly.

If it helps any, look at the context of the review rather than just the words. The word blam doesn't equal abusive. Just depends on how it is used.

RageVI wrote:

First, let me bring up the part concerning "blam" from the review guidelines:

Do not use reviews to express your feelings that the entry should be BLAMMED. If you post "BLAM this" or something similar you will be banned. Use the review option to tell the author how they can improve their work.

If the reviewer is asking the submitter "Why wasn't this blammed?", they're implicitly (but usually clearly) expressing the opinion that they think it should have been blammed. What business does anyone have in saying a submission should have been blammed, let alone asking the author the question? In almost every case, whether the submission makes it on to the portal or not is completely out of the author's control.

The fact is that the submission has passed the under judgment phase once and forever. Addressing that phase again in the review body is almost guaranteed to be irrelevant or inappropriate. It's nearly always out of context of the constructive criticism the reviewer should be giving if they truly feel it should have been blammed.

Take a look at the review guideline entry concerning the front page:
If you think a submission doesn't belong on the front page of the site or shouldn't be featured in special sections of the site, keep it to yourself. The submissions on the front page and in special sections of the site are put there by our staff, not by the author. Keep your focus on how the person who submitted might improve their work..

I feel like this rule is almost the same as the blam rule, except "blam" is replaced with "front page". Again, getting front page or getting blammed/saved is out of the author's control, and the reviewer should be focusing on criticising the actual submission instead of its score/front page status.


It all depends on how you're using the word. It's just like "Fuck you" vs. "Fucking awesome!". I just disagree with him in that I feel the phrase "why wasn't this blammed" is completely inappropriate (for reasons I stated before) and should warrant having the review deleted.

Of course, if somebody says "I love this! I hope it's not blammed", it's fine. That should be given, though. Is that the problem we're addressing here? I guess I'm yet to see a review with "blam" in it in which the word was used in an appropriate manner, which is in no way saying that all reviews simply containing the word should be flagged...

UberBarista wrote:

You're right (RageVI), artists don't have control over whether a submission is put on the front page. But the rules simply do not state that blam is a forbidden word, which is the point BlueHippo was trying to make. If it is, it needs to be filtered out like other words that aren't allowed on the site, like the n-bomb.

"Blam this" vs "why wasn't this blammed" isn't the same thing.

Do not use reviews to express your feelings that the entry should be BLAMMED. If you post "BLAM this" or something similar you will be banned.

While implying why isn't it blammed might be borderline, the word itself isn't a reason to flag every last review with B L A M in succession. There is a lot in context to look at. Hell, I can't tell you how many times I've cleared reviews with blam used in a positive way, without referring to voting low on the entry.

At least that's what I gathered from his (BlueHippo) post, since I share the same sentiments.

Some interesting link

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/58 7742
Under Construction...!!!


Under Construction...!!!
But.. this part will be Great... Praporshchik aldlv tolds you...



Under Construction...!!!

4) the NG STUFF...

So you want to know about NG...
you still need a lot of Info...
You have some not-FAQ...
well.. Pm Tom...
just kidding...

I have found this... where you can get some info about NG...
Cheekyvincent's page...
And it's not that he answer some Questions to you...
He has the Entire NG FAQs explained there... AMAZING isn't it..? XD

some very cool link
see Cheekyvincent post
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/81 0145

also... widerstand page is really useful, and have a lot of link

Posted by aldlv - October 28th, 2007

here I'm going to talk about the C&C I had joined...

I'm part of:
The Elite Guard Barracks
part of the
Newground's Department of defense
the right hand on the
Spanish Club
a mod on the
Science Club
and finally... part on the
Review Request Club NOT ANYMORE....



EGB section

The The Elite Guard Barracks was founded by EagleRock
The EGB is a club made for members of Elite Guard rank... (which means 2500+ B/P points)
Is a place to come together and discuss ways of protecting the Portal.
What we do?
- We patrol the Flash Portal
- Report stolen and malicious flash submissions
- Make sure the site administrators are aware when something rule-breaking (and potential legally-troubling) slips through the judgment process through illicit means.

EagleRock is our Chief Barracks Officer
The second in command is Phantom
he is our Lieutenant Commander of the Elite Guard Barracks
Then we have.. SlashFirestorm
our Barracks Recruitment Officer and Portal Operations Officer

the EGB have close relationship with the Newgrounds Police Dept. (NGPD)
A club with almost the same interest... PROTECT THE PORTAL...
but the member have 500-2499 B/P point...
so.. if you can't apply for the EGB... the NGPD will be glad to have you...

Under Construction...!!!


NGDoD section

The Newground's Department of defense was founded by wondermuffin
The first forum topic of this Club was here
But... later... they decided to change it... the actual forum topic is this one stared by life

Our purpose is to band together to serve Newgrounds

On the NGDoD (also called NGDD) we have a lot of Activities. We have many competitions, b/p, Flash, audio, review, random quizzes, etc. On the competitions you can earn points depending on your performance in the competition. The point will determinate your rank on the club. But the competitions are not the only way to earn point...

The club have different Departments and each one do different activities
- Internal Affairs(I.A.) Dept.
- BBS Dept.
- Flash Dept.
- Audio Dept.
- Portal Dept.

we have two different rank on NGDoD
the first one is the Overall Rank
the second one is the Department Rank

The more important member on the club are:
Wylo is our General of the Army (Overall Rank) & Secretary of Defense (Department Rank)

Each Dept. have a Secretary (Department Rank)
- life in the BBS Dept. Overall Rank: Captain
- ShortMonkey in the Flash Dept. Overall Rank: Lieutenant General
- Phantom in the Portal Dept. Overall Rank: Lieutenant General

the Audio Dept. & the I.A. Dept. don't have a Secretary.
On the Auido Dept. Seamonky is the one with the higher rank. Department Rank: Sergeant Major. Overall Rank: Lieutenant General
On I.A Dept. Cole is theone with the higher rank. Department Rank: Staff Sergeant. Overall Rank: Lieutenant General

BTW... we have a NGDD bot
that maintain some useful info about the NGDD

Under Construction...!!!


RRC Section

The Review Reaquest Club was created by Freelance-Magician

Ppl can do 2 thing on the Club

1) Request reviews for their flash or flashes.
2) Join the club and be the ones to review these flashes.

Under Construction...!!!



MY First update in the barracks roster...
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/ 387319/826

MY Second one
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/ 387319/831

and... there was a third one.. but.. I don't find the page... XD

C&C i joined

Posted by aldlv - October 8th, 2007

NgLog is fantastic...
Thanx Casualty

old Ng log
new NG log
thanx Byteslinger

this are my stats...

//Updated every Monday... more-less, XD
Experience: 6360
Level: 24
Aura: Dark
Blams: 9374
Protects: 18070
Reviews: 448
Responses: 89
Audio Reviews: 610
Audio Responses: 336

Exp. rank: 2489
B/P rank: 169
Voting Power: 6.61
Batting Avg: ()
B/P grade: Commander
Whistle: Deity

Posts: 1531
Posts/day: 2.23
Flash Movies: 1
Audio Tracks: 2
Total B/P points: 27444
Medal Points: 5695
Total Medals: 225

my Exp and B/p points per day...
- Experience per day: 9.271
- Avg. B/P Points per day: 40.005
- Avg. total stats per day: 53.05
- Protect/Blam ratio: 1.927
- Total Voting Power: 10.25 (55% B/P Bonus)

Times logged on nglog #528

nice... isn't it?...

and.. this is my page there... aldlv
this is the old one... aldlv


Posted by aldlv - October 3rd, 2007

I Just finish School...

now I'll have time to make flash.. XD
nice... so
I want to know... what does people want to see?...
Does anyone have some ideas...
Should I do a game or amovie?...
please just... comment... anything you want...
but anything that can give me Ideas...


- and... esta photo va para la posteridad... hehe
look it here

No more School

Posted by aldlv - September 4th, 2007

well I haven't uploaded anything yet... wow...

I may put something in November
yes Until October XD
because.. I would like to do a great job... so... I need some time
and I have been here for.. what... 2 months and I'm a Police Captain... I never though I was going to that high... And I'm a level 7, that I think it's kind of... OK

Well... now I'm about to finish school so... wish me luck... =)

Sorry For My Bad English...


//10/21/07 - UPDATE!
Gold... Sergeant... lvl 10... XD

//10/01/07 - UPDATE!
back to Silver!!! Back to Silver!!! BACK TO SILVER!!!!!...

//09/30/07 - UPDATE!
back to bronze whistle... ;'(

//09/29/07 - UPDATE!
Silver whistle!!!

//09/25/07 - UPDATE!
in almost 3 months... and I'm a Pvt. First Class and a Level 9 and I have Bronze whistle...


And... do you want to see our game?...
-Genesis of Rebellion-


no he subido nada a Ng todavia... rayos...
bueno.. supongo q para octubre, porque ahora debo terminar el colegio...

Posted by aldlv - July 20th, 2007

well... this is my first post... mmm... i don't know what to put in here.. haha... XD

and... I'm "the controller of the universe"... hahaha...
is just a joke a have with some friends...

pero... aunque sea una broma.. aun así, yo controlo l universo... así q inclínense ante mi... y rueguen por clemencia, XD...

well... this is my favorite song Guitar Vs. Piano 1.2
my favorites movies... yes both...the YuYu & :the Composer:
and this.. my favorite game Newgrounds Rumble ...

P.S. sorry for my bad english

- XD - :3 - =) - $0 - 8? - |} - &] - >Z - <P -

my first post