great job...
the graphics were amazing... really, one of the best I have seen
the story was cool, and everything looks great
& the music fits very well
great job...
the graphics were amazing... really, one of the best I have seen
the story was cool, and everything looks great
& the music fits very well
that's what I call a parody
it was pretty amazing
the jokes were cool, each character was just great
nice job
it would feet awesome as madness 9... really it would
the graphics were great... and the story was as good a the real ones
fantastic job
not so good...
the drawing weren't bad
but the animation was little too out of madness
too exaggerated (maybe like 'awesome series' style
the fights were good
but the principal character was stupid, his drawing never remind me too madness, & it was kind of disgusting
maybe you trying to make a little different mandess... but that do not feel like mandess at all
absolutely incredible...
is just love it..
is one of the best flashes about madness ever...
is a new (too happy) style
but is just awesome, you made an incredible job
beyond amazing
is the best movie of the series...
i love it
the story was great, it was a big change from the others... but was awesome
the graphics were fantastic.. the music was definitely good
is one of the best flash I ever saw... great job guys
was nice
the graphics were pretty cool... i really like them
the movies works with the music
the story was fine
was a good job
absolutely amazing...
everyone parts are awesome, and they fit very well
i'm not a fan of GD but.. i loved the animation
great work guys
Is absolutely incredible
I just love it
the graphics are fantastic.. the animation is awesome
the colors, the characters, the story, the jokes... every thing was perfect
is one of my favorites movies ever...
----------------- An unknown flash artist ----------------- ----------------- An unknown audio artist ---------------- ----------------- And a new NG member ----------------- --------------- BTW... Check my site... XD ---------------
Age 35, Male
not school... XD
en algĂșn lado
Joined on 7/8/07