It's awesome
The Movie is fantastic
i like the story a lot... the fish, meat, ice cream... was a nice idea. Also the graphics are great, and music is cool, the ending was impressive (for a momment i was afraid of them)
anyway, i enjoy it a lot
It's awesome
The Movie is fantastic
i like the story a lot... the fish, meat, ice cream... was a nice idea. Also the graphics are great, and music is cool, the ending was impressive (for a momment i was afraid of them)
anyway, i enjoy it a lot
hahaha... was awesome
was really great
you really got the effect of an old
the graphics are absolutely out of this world (maybe as far as cybertron), the are fantastic, the color selections was nice, the sounds is great and gives an excelente effect
the story is funny, really funny. hope there is a second part, but it really has potential
pretty amazing
was fantastic...
the graphics and the motion was really nice, i liked the style, i just would like to have a little bit more 'gray colors', it was a little bit too plain
but the animation was really nice, and the story was well designed, i liked it a lot
is beautiful
really is a beautiful story
i like the drawing a lot... but you didn't animate too much, probably you still need to practice that, but even like that was cool
the fights were nice, a little fast, but nice
the music was very well used too..
i can see you work hard on this and it's awesome
hope to see more...
elmo with happy tree friends...
one of the best ideas i had heard in a long time
it was very funny, and the accident weren't bad
but you have to practice a little more on your drawing (just a little)
and a little more on animating (well, not so little, practice a lot on this)(
but wan't bad, i really liked it =D
also voice need a little imporvement, it's probably is not a good micro, but even like that, it could be better
is great!
everything is so very well animated... is amazing
nice fights, nice sticks, nice environment, explosions, weapons, everything is great... I wish it were longer, also i know most ppl like the 'just let's fight' theme, but adding a story (even it it is just silly, like one guy step on other guys) to start a fight would be really nice
is great
really nice animation, and has a nice story too.
The entire sheet of paper concept was nice, and very well done, it was funny and creative, the pencil fits very well when drawing, so it show dedication on all the details
i wish it were just a little longer, but anyway it was really awesome
pretty amazing!
the animations was really nice, i liked the graphics a lot, the main guy expression was very nice draw, very real. Simple bad guys were cool too.
nice fight, but was a little bit short, really it has potential to be a lot longer
and I really wish it has color, it is going to look awesome if you add it, but apart from this 2 things, was amazing, i liked a lot the details of everything
hope you continue making good stuff like this and take in consideration my opinion for the next flash
I definitely will, thank you for your response. I really wanted to make the fight scene longer, but I was up until 4:40 AM making it and couldn't afford to make it any longer so I could at least wake up in the morning and turn the project in (because I'm a major procrastinator) xD.
pretty nice
nice animation and graphics... maybe just a little short
but really funny, and i was expecting something like that in the ending... XD
even i know what was going to happen is was cool
nice job
nice story
i almost cry... was very nice
awesome story, great graphics, good music, nice animation
nice ending also
everything about the movie was pretty nice
----------------- An unknown flash artist ----------------- ----------------- An unknown audio artist ---------------- ----------------- And a new NG member ----------------- --------------- BTW... Check my site... XD ---------------
Age 35, Male
not school... XD
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Joined on 7/8/07